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Invasion players (highlighting M16MOD3)

# Username XP Kills Deaths K/D ratio Score Time played Longest kill streak Targets destroyed Distance moved
Vehicles destroyed Soldiers healed Teamkills Shots fired Throwables thrown
781 YEZHUPEIQI 1 095 052 111 220 8 235 13.51 102 985 679h 49m
(28d 7h 49m)
1 495 1 145 2101.1 1 785 701 2 082 1 273 643 8 156
782 MARGATROID~ 1 117 364 146 865 7 269 20.2 139 596 636h 03m
(26d 12h 03m)
693 1 143 2107.5 2 787 747 1 495 1 492 699 5 469
783 MTHL 696 039 81 521 5 377 15.16 76 144 568h 23m
(23d 16h 23m)
274 1 141 2098.1 1 440 289 1 783 857 364 13 424
784 MR. MUGGS 942 092 80 443 11 922 6.75 68 521 483h 26m
(20d 3h 26m)
177 1 141 2098.5 1 703 293 2 696 1 254 155 10 324
785 SPOONALOT 640 415 69 816 7 000 9.97 62 816 485h 32m
(20d 5h 32m)
319 1 138 2102.0 662 467 1 030 958 026 8 440
786 WEWINES 1 215 820 128 905 7 239 17.81 121 666 496h 07m
(20d 16h 07m)
529 1 137 2106.0 1 056 993 924 1 744 860 5 085
787 ESIRIA 1 561 511 156 456 29 227 5.35 127 229 1357h 57m
(56d 13h 57m)
885 1 137 2111.8 1 791 1 177 4 362 2 607 967 17 256
788 TIMELESS 518 962 55 651 4 360 12.76 51 291 328h 27m
(13d 16h 27m)
640 1 137 1653.7 1 524 362 1 521 694 733 3 120
789 BATTLEFEED! 837 460 82 825 5 373 15.42 77 452 457h 13m
(19d 1h 13m)
351 1 136 2099.3 399 914 783 958 567 3 491
790 TAXOL2333 565 690 53 794 4 178 12.88 49 616 441h
(18d 9h)
403 1 135 2099.6 2 642 338 2 752 532 625 3 741
791 M16MOD3 490 553 66 015 5 211 12.67 60 804 372h
(15d 12h)
522 1 134 2098.3 936 344 768 708 239 6 919
792 MIAO_C 3 021 755 292 256 1 425 205.09 290 831 1009h 47m
(42d 1h 47m)
1 088 1 132 2099.4 1 816 1 187 1 907 2 997 495 13 425
793 SAIBOPENGKE 1 749 827 143 398 9 602 14.93 133 796 867h 01m
(36d 3h 01m)
758 1 132 2106.4 1 605 1 413 2 209 1 323 747 6 397
794 OAO OVO QAQ TAT 237 785 30 061 2 512 11.97 27 549 212h 05m
(8d 20h 05m)
267 1 130 1278.4 670 50 936 336 943 2 432
795 =_= 1 016 590 150 925 8 569 17.61 142 356 929h 13m
(38d 17h 13m)
511 1 129 2104.5 2 067 1 744 4 323 1 718 065 10 953
Players stats are updated daily and only concerns official Invasion and WW2 DLCs servers.
Stats history is only recorded for the 5000 most experienced players.