Sign in with Steam still don't work, and preliminary investigations did not revealed anything wrong on RWRS side. Still no ETA when it'll be fixed
Right now: 137/337 players • 26/49 servers
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Invasion players (highlighting ECHOS)

# Username XP Kills Deaths K/D ratio Score Time played Longest kill streak Targets destroyed Distance moved
Vehicles destroyed Soldiers healed Teamkills Shots fired Throwables thrown
1 068 FREEZ 667 224 81 555 5 499 14.83 76 056 497h 11m
(20d 17h 11m)
493 1 768 2100.8 959 251 2 652 1 455 985 4 404
1 069 MR. MANHATEN 1 578 856 86 295 10 244 8.42 76 051 830h 05m
(34d 14h 05m)
567 895 2105.4 1 587 1 009 5 435 655 565 8 446
1 070 AVIOR 592 839 77 724 1 727 45.01 75 997 309h 05m
(12d 21h 05m)
568 574 1551.2 1 433 432 1 046 1 196 034 3 866
1 071 DMYTRO 691 183 81 205 5 286 15.36 75 919 524h 43m
(21d 20h 43m)
195 225 2066.4 839 1 398 934 1 020 696 7 418
1 072 UIA BAA OHH 980 359 79 671 3 833 20.79 75 838 357h 02m
(14d 21h 02m)
819 1 222 2082.9 1 585 395 1 899 572 027 3 882
1 073 JACOB445566 587 843 78 998 3 210 24.61 75 788 564h 41m
(23d 12h 41m)
526 236 2100.2 573 2 133 592 1 669 520 5 839
1 074 LOLICON 720 026 83 561 7 809 10.7 75 752 602h 44m
(25d 2h 44m)
218 605 2098.9 931 2 269 1 263 640 917 5 232
1 075 KEDDNEX 412 008 78 837 3 276 24.07 75 561 456h 24m
(19d 24m)
494 810 2098.2 1 177 111 768 815 867 2 863
1 076 HEHEXD 727 728 83 109 7 591 10.95 75 518 657h 07m
(27d 9h 07m)
171 1 002 2101.7 1 545 121 4 005 1 135 287 12 185
1 077 WHITEFLAW 716 317 76 872 1 396 55.07 75 476 619h 53m
(25d 19h 53m)
831 1 097 2097.7 1 020 814 1 572 1 302 945 3 592
1 078 ECHOS 576 726 78 491 3 184 24.65 75 307 478h 20m
(19d 22h 20m)
460 872 2099.8 573 1 112 967 1 198 020 2 620
1 079 MR. FHRM 726 744 83 073 7 822 10.62 75 251 567h 16m
(23d 15h 16m)
218 1 537 2102.0 1 949 1 007 1 584 1 120 448 7 858
1 080 TELKIR 667 112 80 214 5 070 15.82 75 144 495h 05m
(20d 15h 05m)
605 351 2039.9 789 822 786 1 418 986 3 649
1 081 YUYANY 1 089 174 81 648 6 529 12.51 75 119 511h
(21d 7h)
588 1 160 2102.4 1 424 841 4 087 723 174 4 402
1 082 VENETOWLP 726 802 81 981 6 916 11.85 75 065 607h 33m
(25d 7h 33m)
846 701 2107.5 1 300 735 1 918 1 524 301 10 197
Players stats are updated daily and only concerns official Invasion and WW2 DLCs servers.
Stats history is only recorded for the 5000 most experienced players.