Sign in with Steam still don't work, and preliminary investigations did not revealed anything wrong on RWRS side. Still no ETA when it'll be fixed
Right now: 47/133 players • 11/45 servers
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Invasion players (highlighting MRSFGHBSDFGHSFDG)

# Username XP Kills Deaths K/D ratio Score Time played Longest kill streak Targets destroyed Distance moved
Vehicles destroyed Soldiers healed Teamkills Shots fired Throwables thrown
78 192 LEEDOONA 1 331 210 119 1.76 91 2h 19m 14 0 17.6 0 6 5 6 274 30
78 193 WEEFL 638 119 28 4.25 91 29m 21 0 2.9 1 0 0 1 895 5
78 194 PHIL 944 429 338 1.27 91 6h 22m 10 8 42.9 12 1 42 13 021 109
78 195 MRS.JELONEK 1 298 172 81 2.12 91 2h 14 0 11.5 0 0 1 6 455 27
78 196 TROOPERDEXTER 1 200 190 99 1.92 91 2h 07m 14 0 14.9 5 2 5 5 537 16
78 197 BRO_BROSKI 882 165 74 2.23 91 1h 33m 10 0 10.0 0 0 6 5 879 14
78 198 MCGURK 1 413 259 168 1.54 91 5h 22m 21 0 23.7 0 0 2 10 011 6
78 199 SPOTTED DICK 853 159 68 2.34 91 49m 17 1 5.6 4 1 3 4 161 13
78 200 PVT. THADCC 1 027 180 89 2.02 91 2h 14m 20 0 16.6 1 1 2 5 881 21
78 201 MOBIUSFISH 1 261 225 134 1.68 91 3h 08m 13 0 17.9 0 3 7 6 547 47
78 202 MRSFGHBSDFGHSFDG 1 197 185 94 1.97 91 1h 03m 12 0 7.5 4 0 3 4 248 37
78 203 LLBT 843 151 60 2.52 91 1h 13m 20 0 6.5 0 2 0 3 506 14
78 204 POPSIE 753 133 42 3.17 91 1h 42m 20 0 5.9 0 3 0 1 968 24
78 205 JYNC 1 142 152 61 2.49 91 1h 15m 13 0 9.0 0 5 0 3 392 33
78 206 SNAKE01 997 155 64 2.42 91 2h 40m 14 0 10.0 0 2 1 3 980 15
Players stats are updated daily and only concerns official Invasion and WW2 DLCs servers.
Stats history is only recorded for the 5000 most experienced players.