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Invasion players

# Username XP Kills Deaths K/D ratio Score Time played Longest kill streak Targets destroyed Distance moved
Vehicles destroyed Soldiers healed Teamkills Shots fired Throwables thrown
1 SHIGEGGG 5 204 288 674 515 42 173 15.99 632 342 4487h 51m
(186d 23h 51m)
410 4 911 2208.2 3 426 6 002 12 173 19 028 559 29 429
2 JHO 6 317 676 922 791 77 559 11.9 845 232 4505h 09m
(187d 17h 09m)
831 2 210 2249.1 11 870 1 320 13 946 17 991 245 84 584
3 RJ971 5 632 199 848 633 36 651 23.15 811 982 4658h 33m
(194d 2h 33m)
455 6 999 2199.6 9 333 7 297 10 014 16 879 281 119 742
4 RUNNING-PUSH 28 357 783 2 297 407 16 100 142.7 2 281 307 4660h 20m
(194d 4h 20m)
2 200 48 296 2205.7 33 794 1 678 42 135 16 484 475 90 361
5 OLDDIRTZ 8 058 359 804 858 28 033 28.71 776 825 4055h 15m
(168d 23h 15m)
754 9 810 2207.8 17 113 8 568 8 240 14 903 450 41 094
6 JUSTIN FAN 6 938 394 699 274 25 296 27.64 673 978 4275h 51m
(178d 3h 51m)
336 11 839 2200.3 15 082 6 546 8 060 14 488 320 53 843
7 DOGTATO 10 365 679 1 073 571 5 347 200.78 1 068 224 3224h 06m
(134d 8h 06m)
3 498 15 486 2130.9 10 454 7 638 9 306 13 365 871 33 238
8 BUSTNCAPS 8 604 230 731 940 15 306 47.82 716 634 4423h 41m
(184d 7h 41m)
1 004 14 239 2208.9 14 070 12 815 9 264 12 321 021 40 452
9 POSTALMANER 8 662 905 875 247 23 359 37.47 851 888 3429h 24m
(142d 21h 24m)
1 868 8 086 2143.1 7 423 4 272 8 512 11 877 766 17 451
10 J_C 8 082 529 756 150 18 127 41.71 738 023 2877h 59m
(119d 21h 59m)
1 237 5 146 2165.2 9 718 1 505 11 276 11 660 054 26 714
11 SHELYMA 4 156 573 540 739 20 023 27.01 520 716 2456h 55m
(102d 8h 55m)
446 5 150 2150.9 6 239 4 168 4 697 11 420 376 35 500
12 WANZER 6 610 116 778 859 17 622 44.2 761 237 2654h
(110d 14h)
604 6 238 2121.8 5 752 6 077 3 601 11 140 172 33 738
13 PRVJPT 1 391 153 288 069 66 395 4.34 221 674 2350h 08m
(97d 22h 08m)
227 494 2137.0 1 485 1 430 3 263 9 363 421 12 421
14 MR. DESYNC 10 665 364 891 063 16 738 53.24 874 325 3838h 45m
(159d 22h 45m)
586 17 417 2181.2 13 374 5 315 16 442 9 202 284 85 095
15 BLACKANDREW 7 833 218 1 024 222 26 052 39.31 998 170 3834h 17m
(159d 18h 17m)
561 13 267 2157.0 13 631 6 697 9 523 8 985 000 113 403
Players stats are updated daily and only concerns official Invasion and WW2 DLCs servers.
Stats history is only recorded for the 5000 most experienced players.