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Invasion players

Sorry, the player "EXUAN" wasn't found in the Invasion players list. Maybe this player hasn't already played on an official Invasion or WW2 DLCs server yet. If this player started to play today on an official Invasion or WW2 DLCs server, please wait until tomorrow as stats are refreshed daily.
# Username XP Kills Deaths K/D ratio Score Time played Longest kill streak Targets destroyed Distance moved
Vehicles destroyed Soldiers healed Teamkills Shots fired Throwables thrown
1 RUNNING-PUSH 28 357 783 2 297 407 16 100 142.7 2 281 307 4660h 20m
(194d 4h 20m)
2 200 48 296 2205.7 33 794 1 678 42 135 16 484 475 90 361
2 LT 19 976 749 1 417 217 16 297 86.96 1 400 920 2681h 49m
(111d 17h 49m)
2 888 6 981 2158.3 8 862 4 174 6 764 5 818 223 22 213
3 ROCHELLE 11 667 983 1 118 305 2 942 380.12 1 115 363 1830h 26m
(76d 6h 26m)
2 419 7 256 2119.3 7 473 1 309 5 249 5 082 393 14 305
4 CAIXUKUN(NMSL) 11 067 008 1 120 001 17 940 62.43 1 102 061 2889h 08m
(120d 9h 08m)
3 603 10 791 2166.4 15 619 1 736 7 940 7 094 884 28 331
5 YANKE 16 840 589 1 116 294 21 564 51.77 1 094 730 3188h 04m
(132d 20h 04m)
2 500 9 858 2138.4 11 798 6 909 12 314 7 938 856 30 943
6 DOGTATO 10 365 679 1 073 571 5 347 200.78 1 068 224 3224h 06m
(134d 8h 06m)
3 498 15 486 2130.9 10 454 7 638 9 306 13 365 871 33 238
7 MR. BADADD 10 000 000 1 067 898 15 061 70.9 1 052 837 3271h 57m
(136d 7h 57m)
1 000 12 622 2181.3 7 108 5 897 5 911 8 699 740 57 825
8 CC1992125 14 778 935 1 017 531 10 149 100.26 1 007 382 3615h 43m
(150d 15h 43m)
2 375 9 783 2145.6 18 879 4 392 7 549 5 657 731 50 576
9 BLACKANDREW 7 860 015 1 027 544 26 139 39.31 1 001 405 3846h 03m
(160d 6h 03m)
561 13 300 2157.3 13 700 6 715 9 558 9 012 563 113 743
10 THERMIDORMOON 12 871 270 1 004 229 8 500 118.14 995 729 2585h 51m
(107d 17h 51m)
2 406 6 575 2148.1 7 703 4 203 5 513 5 046 445 25 509
11 MR.38767556 12 870 303 996 732 11 388 87.52 985 344 2911h 25m
(121d 7h 25m)
2 429 6 125 2131.2 15 550 11 460 7 821 4 156 616 13 873
12 CBL 12 552 902 1 014 701 43 090 23.55 971 611 3430h 40m
(142d 22h 40m)
3 711 7 352 2327.8 7 885 2 544 9 801 2 017 001 38 110
13 ALZERON 16 701 727 962 858 8 306 115.92 954 552 2627h 17m
(109d 11h 17m)
4 500 9 618 2136.9 12 569 1 602 9 358 6 331 426 15 213
14 STEVE450 13 443 200 957 954 9 205 104.07 948 749 3333h 23m
(138d 21h 23m)
12 500 16 673 2143.0 12 485 2 578 14 027 6 356 865 36 276
15 MR.GREETS 11 375 648 976 383 36 979 26.4 939 404 4303h 22m
(179d 7h 22m)
1 580 34 004 2142.4 11 976 4 990 8 849 8 669 134 73 179
Players stats are updated daily and only concerns official Invasion and WW2 DLCs servers.
Stats history is only recorded for the 5000 most experienced players.